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Friday 22 February 2013

Physical Geography of Turkey (Turkey Natural Structure)

Physical Geography of Turkey (Turkey Natural Structure)
Turkey Natural Structure

Turkey, which is an average altitude of 1131 meters, a high country. Depression in the central part of the country and rising edges towards the coast the low plains are usually not expand further. River valleys and plateaus deeply fragmented, consisting of medium height with wavy plains are found in the central part of the country. Extending parallel to the Black Sea coast in parallel with the North Anatolian Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea from the Taurus Mountains in the northern and southern parts of the country consists of an arc-shaped string of high mountain. This increases towards the mountain ranges to the east elevation. Eastern Anatolia Region, due to converging mountain ranges of the North Anatolian Mountains and the Taurus Mountains leads to the emergence of a view reminiscent of the node. The highest areas of the country in this region. Southeastern Anatolia Region Southeastern Taurus in the south of publication, plateaus and plains areas and a significant threshold elevation occurs uncommon. Extends from the mountains to the sea in the western part of the country. These mountains are separated by areas of distress like the fingers of a hand. In this section, the deposition of sediments carried by the rivers flowing generally east-west direction of the groove-shaped hollow areas of the most fertile plains in the country areas. Turkey is not too high lands of Thrace. The eastern part of the North and the Strandja (Star) Mountains, southern and southwestern part of Lights (Ganos) and Protect engebelendirilen by the mountains of this land is located in the central and western part of the low undulating plains. Located in the central part of the Thrace Basin Ergene, in terms of surface shape is reminiscent of a dish.
Territory of the country began to emerge after the first kıvamlanmalarla geological geological periods of time worn, lakes and seas covered partly collapsed and rose through the fractures. Pain, Suphan, Nemrut, Erciyas and Hasan, such as mountains, extinct volcanoes magma was formed as a result of these fractures come to earth.

In Turkey, the two major fault zone is thought to have been developed in the last geological period. The first of these, the North Anatolian fracture zone extending from the interior of Anatolia to Greece, the latter extending to the Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Anatolia Karlıova broken belt. This fracture, which remains the most prominent seismic zones are regions of the effectiveness of the surrounding area. These regions Erzincan in 1939, 33 thousand people lost their lives in the earthquake caused.
There are many large and small islands off the coast. Except for a few rocky islands, devoid of the Black Sea. And a large island off the coast of the Mediterranean an important common. Denizlerindedir the largest islands in the Aegean and Marmara. Some of these Imbros, Marmara Island, Bozcaada, Uzunada and Alibey (Cunda) Island.
Significantly determines the living conditions of the diversity of surface shapes. The eastern part of the high seas, inland part of the country, the effect is turned off. This is less rainfall areas, natural vegetation weak, the climate is harsh. As a result, parts of the coastal lowland areas with plenty of water, which is often settlements, semi-arid and very rare at higher elevations.
Physical Geography of Turkey (Turkey Natural Structure)
Located in the Alpine orogenic belt of Turkey, a country with a rather high average altitude of 1132 m. Trapped in the rising of the Russian Platform and the Arabian block north of Anatolia Black Sea Mountains, lies to the south of the Taurus Mountains. Turkey, which has a structure that is quite hilly plains areas covered is very small. Sıkışmışken tectonic depressions between the mountains of inland plains generally, the delta and the coastal plains of the coastal areas appear as. Usually covered by Neogene limestone plateaus in Central Anatolia, while the platolarımız Eastern Anatolia is composed of volcanic materials. Neogene volcanic activity began, continued in the Quaternary, and in particular the Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia regions has led to the formation of volcanic mountains. Kula is the youngest volcanic eruptions in the Aegean region of our country around the Ceyhan and the Mediterranean region is around Hassa.
The most important factor in Turkey streams that have shaped the earth's crust. Other styling that make up the power of the underground waters, waves and currents, winds, and the glaciers are effective in the narrow areas. The influence of karst groundwater formed mostly in the Mediterranean and Central Anatolia regions of shapes is common in areas where limestone is found. Waves and currents play a role in shaping the coasts. The winds have been effective in a limited range around Konya-Karapinar. Abrasive effects of the glaciers in the higher parts of the mountains of our country has been and is effective. The large deformations occurring in the neotectonic stage, and still continued to be away from the earth's crust balance isoztatik forces kompresyonal the reason for Turkey's active seismic area. Although an active seismic area in our country, unfortunately, in our country has not developed awareness of an earthquake. August 17, 1999 Marmara Earthquake in the last instance as we live with the loss of life and property of every earthquake uğramaktayız great. Vertical and horizontal movements occurring on the site of the country affected the stream network. Doming and surrounding areas as a result of the collapse of the area where Turkey torbalaşarak abandoned in many places in the old drainage channels and hollow spaces surrounding the center (the Black Sea, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Caspian and Mesopotamia) of rivers towards the main drainage lines showing the x-ray image of the character emerged, in this way has become a water tank surrounding countries in Eastern Anatolia. Board or the newly formed network, especially during the side elevations of the mountains from place to place on an ongoing basis antesedant segments, as the basis sürempoze buried in the place, while some of the rivers, as well as along the North Anatolian fault zone has undergone displacements. Increase in the difference in elevation between the base level and back to the correct insertion of the surrounding rivers and led to more rapid erosion that occurred as a result, some of the main lines of drainage with kapmalarla gained its present appearance. Turkey in the Mediterranean are makrokliması. However, a short distance in the wide variety of forms depending on the observed climate types. South of the desert belt of the Old World blacks, semi-arid steppes to the north spread in Eastern Europe. Turkey in the middle of the Old World Lands of the arid climate area between these two, despite having a different and more rainy than a country mainly due to the separation of the Mediterranean, which is an extension that allows the insertion to the east and the Mediterranean seas, surrounded by the effects of climate presence and high reliyefidir . If that were not the whole of Turkey, some countries in the same latitudes as the semi-arid climate area would have to be covered in deserts and steppes. But it leads to significant changes in the geographical features of the regions and the Mediterranean within the framework of makrokliması leads to the emergence of regional climate types. The average temperature conditions for long periods of time in Turkey but has played in the narrow confines of not exceeding two degrees. However, one of the main features of the climate in Turkey, up to a significant rainfall measurements volatility and severe droughts that occur from time to time. Azonal and intrazonaller aside, zonal vegetation, soil and climate conditions indicate an appropriate distribution. Along the northern and southern coastal regions of the country have suffered strongly washed podsollaşmaya, a strip of land that in some areas extends lateritic features. Less rainy and colder winters podsollaşmış slightly inland, moderately acid brown forest soil is reached. More inland, however, due to increasing drought calcification pedogenezis passes to the fore. As a result, the area of ​​Central Anatolia, roughly concentric zones serozyom at least in the central part of the rainy belt and going to the center pedokaller showing a higher alkalinity (brown and reddish-brown semi-arid lands of the region) is located.
The distribution of the flora of Turkey, the climate, especially precipitation and temperature conditions. Species along the coast of the Black Sea nemcil lush forests, dry forests resistant to soğuklarına severe winter in their south, the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts complied with the barrenness of the Mediterranean climate characteristic of the long summer training in places ranging from the width of a strip lie. Due to increasing drought and Southeast Anatolia inland areas of natural forest trees before the steppe and steppe then begins. The upper limit of the forest, just as the limit of perpetual snow, kontinentalitenin under the influence of the edge regions (2000-2200 m) inland and to the east rises and goes up to 2800 meters in Eastern Anatolia. The territory of Turkey, all throughout history, as it is today, north and south, east and west facing different cultures, contact between them is provided, unifying, cohesive transition area, played the role of a melting pot. Perhaps no other country of the world is destined to such an extent that the exclusive role, first and foremost the result of geographic location. This role throughout the history of the country reliefinin natural transportation routes and trade routes that determines all the more reason for the general extension of the east and west, has been effective in the eastern and western cultures, where they met the terms that characterize the eastern and western societies (Asia and Europe) were born here. Turkey is often described as a bridge between Asia and Europe is the reason why. However, country location, format, and different cultural realms north and south due to faulty relief makes it difficult theme, played the role of a set of blocks spreading meridyonal direction. The contact between these realms, but the northwest of the country, the Straits and the Marmara set out in the field provided and to a limited extent alçaldığı kalmıştır.İlk Ages, the Greek adventurer introduced into the Black Sea sailors, the northern shores of the Black Sea grain, hides and captured on Roman ships, waist sword Venice of the Middle Ages Follow this road to the north and Genoese merchants sokulabilmişlerdin always, this is the most important part of the road course. from east to west, and from the road, at the intersection of the Bosphorus to the Black Sea by sea. Established at the entrance of the Bosphorus in Istanbul thanks to this exceptional location, sub district of goods from the Roman and Byzantine periods offered for sale all over the world, where it is processed and exported a large trade, industry, culture, and politics became the center of the Istanbul Strait, Black Sea kingdom Mediterranean realm only to have the door opened, a with her hand, while increasing the importance and power of the state, on the one hand to have the ambition fueled throughout the history of this port. The effects of Turkey's actually a lot more varied relief features. This affects the life of the communities settled on these lands, and cultural developments in the political and social characteristics of the show itself. For example, the northern and southern coastal areas inland, coastal areas and in the interior sections separated from each other formidable presence of topographic obstacles, each one of them for centuries to remain in separate compartments, called by different names in ancient times and cultures that differ in terms of historical geography zones (Pontus, Lycia, Caria, Cappadocia, Pamphylia, Cilicia, Paflogonya, Lydian, Phrygian) led to the formation. In general, to be strong slopes and deep valleys where most of the land has important consequences in the presence of the split. Arable land is considered in terms of research, had just revealed that the slope of the territory, but 1/5 may comprise up. For the same reason, and wearing large areas of land are subject to a strong accumulation of soil erosion as a result of shoreline have been significant changes in some of the ancient ports (such as Ephesus and Miletus) and river ports (Tarsus), the functions of the port to be lost, some of the bays closed (the ancient Gulf of Latmos, Bafa lake today), some islands, the land remained inland. The distribution of rural and urban settlements in the scheme, just like itineraries, all the up to date stylus on the conditions of the country's relief. Physical environmental conditions affect the human view of the many other ways. Geographic distribution and productivity of agricultural products, more edge regions are grown for commercial products at relatively high temperatures, grain and other crops resistant to severe winter locally grown agriculture and animal husbandry in the inner part is more important than the differentiation between continental breakup basically stems from the regional climate. Severe summer droughts in many parts of the country, the need of irrigation needed, since ancient times by half buried in the ground in Eastern Anatolia to the homes of severe winter temperatures, large areas in Eastern Anatolia for centuries and are still common in the transhümans migration, as claimed by some authors ethnic origin is not a lifestyle, but, depending on the elevation differences in climate and vegetation is the result of the seasonal changes in the alignment. Direct and indirect effects on the human aspect of the physical environment is much more than the fact of the foregoing. These effects reached a high level of technology nowadays, regional and local geographic views of the differences between Turkey and some traces of the underlying inherited from the past still plays a major role as the main factor.

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