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Map of Turkey Breeding |
Feeding of pets, livestock products and activities such as use of force is called. Livestock feeding people, as well as an economic activity in which textiles and leather industry raw materials. As our country's natural conditions are favorable conditions for livestock.
1. Factors Affecting Livestock
To better evaluate the potential of Turkey's livestock must be carried out the following studies.
- Animal breeding strains should be
- Grasslands should be treated and protected
- Fattening and farming expanded ranch
- Early cuts prevented
- Feed production increased
- The fight against animal diseases should be
- Producers and marketing facilities should be provided loans increased
a) Animal Breeding propagate their species
Turkey is one of the important countries of the world in terms of the number of animals. However, native breeds for meat and milk production is low resulting yield is low. Therefore need to be improved strains of domestic animals. Hybridization of these studies, the most common method. Organizations and agricultural faculties of hybridization studies carried out under the Ministry of Agriculture. Established stud farms for breeding and animal species from extinction.
b) Improvement of pastures
Turkey is in the form of livestock farming is an important part of the pasture. Allocated to agricultural activities, grazing land, pasture outside (pasture) is called. Inland continental climate features usually seen in Turkey was destroyed forest cover important areas of steppe pastures.
Because it is important for grass pastures hayvancılığımız status should be improved pastures. For this purpose;
- Grassland and pasture lands driven, to prevent the introduction into the field,
- Erosion of meadow and pasture land in order to avoid making curved surfaces instead of the field,
- Excessive and early grazing should be banned.
c) Livestock Feed and Stable
Modern barn and farm and ranch beef breed animals, livestock farming is called. In general, the fattening of cattle and the ranch is the amount of meat and milk from livestock. In recent years, the Marmara and Aegean regions such as the consumption centers in big cities, including all the regions near the places where beef and livestock breeding has increased.
A country other livestock species of livestock grazing in pastures, depending on climatic conditions. Animals feed on grass that has sprouted in the spring. For a large part of the country, summer, occurrence of drought, animals dolaştırılırlar as nomads in droves for the supply of grass. Almost every part of Turkey in the summer, seasonal migrations lived in rural areas. This type of migration in Eastern Anatolia, Central Anatolia, the Black Sea and Southeast Anatolia regions are common. Meat and milk yield is parallel to the amount of rain falling on pastures.
2. Turkey and Its Geographical Distribution of Animals
Turkey has an important potential in terms of the presence of animals. Around 25 million sheep and 10 million cattle and 6.5 million around the number of the number of goats and Turkey has an important place in the world. However, less than the yield per animal and per capita consumption of animal products is not sufficient.
a) Small Ruminant Livestock
Turkey is quite common in small ruminants. The main reason for this is that it forced Turkey's landforms and climate conditions sheep farming. Turkey has a very large part of the summer drought occurs. Therefore, grass and weed cover in summer fade and cılızlasın lush pastures for cattle who are not suitable for this situation. Therefore, in the steppes occupied by large regions, small areas of intensive animal husbandry.
Grown in most sheep in sheep and goats. Around 25 million sheep are fed in Turkey. Particularly in Central Anatolia, Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia regions, including Central Western Anatolia, the Black Sea, the inner regions, the inner parts of South Marmara and Thrace Department of sheep breeding places is intense. Australia, China, New Zealand, Britain and Turkey are the countries most sheep raising.
There are two major problems of sheep breeding in Turkey:
1. The inner regions where snow cover remains for a long time and during this time, ready to feed the sheep pens feeding. This situation raises costs, reduces the gain.
2. Breeds of sheep meat and milk yields are low.
The main sheep breeds
Marmara and the Aegean curly, Morkaraman Central and Eastern Anatolia, Central Western Anatolia dağlıçtır.
Small Ruminant livestock in other goat breeding activity. Goats are grown in almost every region of our country. But the most intense regions are mountainous and hilly regions of goat feed. Taurus Mountains and the Aegean Region, goats fed a large number of mountainous areas.
Tomatoes are grown in two major type of goat.
1. Goat hair
Meat, milk and grown for hair. Hair, hair, and some of the fabrics used in the construction of the tent. In recent years, the numbers decreased.
2. Angora Goat
Grown in culture were placed under the Earth for the first time in Ankara, also known as Angora goat. Grown for the so-called Mohair Yarn.
b) Cattle
Buffalo, cattle bovine animals, such as animals. Humid areas, tall grass is grown in more areas where communities. The share of the bur-load forms in cattle cattle. In our country, a large part of the production of milk and meat from cattle each year is obtained. Cattle farming, the greatest problem is the fact that the treated at the ratio of the total number of races. Cattle in Turkey Erzurum - Kars Department and the Eastern Black Sea region is quite high. In recent years, widespread in the Aegean and Marmara regions. In our country, 10 million cattle, 120 thousand are buffalo. One of the countries in the world cattleman United States, Russia, Argentina, Australia and the United Kingdom come.
c) Poultry
Chicken, rooster, turkey, duck and goose rearing activities, such as animals. For meat and eggs, as well as feeds. "White meat referred to as" the health of poultry meat have been more helpful, cheapness and marketing convenience, poultry led to the rapid development and diffusion.
Acceleration of urbanization in order to meet the increasing demand for meat and eggs required the establishment of a modern chicken farms. From the 1970s onwards the influence of the state of modern poultry has been started. Today, the modern poultry in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bolu, Balikesir, Sakarya, around the cities are like.
d) Sericulture
Silk is a kind of mulberry leaves fed with the substance in the form of fine yarn caterpillar released. Bilecik in our country, especially in Bursa, Balikesir, Izmir, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Mersin, Diyarbakır and Amasya, and so on. provinces produced. 19 of Sericulture century Europe lost its importance as a result of the development of the textile industry. Were given the importance of this issue has not reached its original position in the Republican period. The most important fact, silk expensive and proliferation of the use of artificial silk. But in recent years on the importance of exports for touristic purposes, silk carpets, there are also attempts to encourage.
e) Beekeeping
Our country is quite a variety of different climate zones and vegetation to be, an important factor for beekeeping. In our country, bee farming and honey production has increased significantly compared to previous years. Does not exceed 4-5 kg of honey production in that instead of the old type hives, hives producing increasingly contributed to the modern type. 40-50 kg of honey production in the hive because it exceeds modern type. Mugla, Army, Adana, Sivas, Istanbul, Kars, Erzurum, Ankara, Turkey, Aydin and Izmir with more places for honey production. 82 thousand tons of honey is produced annually in our country.
3. Seafood
Turkey is surrounded by sea on three sides and the seas have different characteristics, as well as the discovery of a large number of streams and the lake to take place in different climatic regions of Turkey has significant potential in terms of fishery products to be made. However, aquaculture production is not at the desired level. Fishing in fishery products come first.
a) Sea Fisheries
In our country, the most common and most fish in fishing activity from the marine fisheries. Are usually in the form of coastal fishing. For the Black-sea fishing come first. You Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean tracks.
For the development of fisheries in Turkey
- Open sea fishing should be
- Modern fishing methods should be applied
- Off-shore pollution should be prevented
- Small fishermen should establish partnerships with major
- Harmful fishing methods be applied storage, cooling, and transport systems should be developed
b) Aquaculture
Fish farms, fish, fishing, aquaculture is called to replicate their young and their eggs. Trout fish farms producing more fresh water sources near the sea coast, especially in fish farms established in parts of the village and the bay mouth bass, sea bream and mullet type of fish are produced.
c) The Fresh Water Fishing
Rivers, dams and lakes are fresh water has an important potential for freshwater fishing. This water is usually carp, mullet, fish such as pike and catfish are available. Which has an important place in fresh water fishing lakes Beyşehir and Eğirdir caught crayfish (freshwater lobster), the vast majority is exported.
d) Other Marine Products
Although less miktardada seas are outside the mussels, fish, shrimp, lobster, squid, octopus, and sponge-like products are obtained.
Map of Turkey Breeding
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