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Sunday 3 March 2013

Map of Turkey Leha Tectonics

Map of Turkey Leha Tectonics


Focusing on the structure and movement of earth as a whole Plate Tectonics (Plate Tectonics) According to the concept, the ground forming the outer part of the 70-100 km. Lithospheric thickness and rigid character occur in large and several small plates and the plates (Plates) than in the upper mantle lithosphere asthenosphere, which is a region of smooth or partially smooth and slides on the low-velocity zone, are on the move.

The top layer of the solid is the world's Lithosphere (Taşyuvar), it is known by the name of the top part of the shell. Contained a lower lithosphere asthenosphere moves on.

Each other, moving in different directions lithosphere is composed of several parts. Sheet (Plate) is called the lithosphere formation of parts of the oceans for millions of years and this is the ongoing movement of continents and constantly changing shape of our world has led to a long period. Plate Tectonics name of the branch of geology examines the movement of plates in our world today verilmektedir.Aşağıdaki map shows major signs

The order of a few centimeters per year, which is usually the rocks along the plate boundaries, plate movements, especially jams, stress, shift and deformation gives rise to violence. Faulting of rocks to break along certain planes as a result of these movements, in the discharge of energy accumulated along the faults are Depremadı

According to the theory called plate tectonics where the upper part of the lithosphere (crust + upper mantle), pieces (plates) is divided. Location within our heat source consisting of thermal convection in the mantle movements, the main reason for the movement on the surface slabs. The higher the rising heated mantle material into the interior of the earth naturally cools and sinks again. This convection movement develops in many convection cell. However, the slabs which enables the movement of various forces acting on this event check for more complex and lithosphere occurs. That is why earthquakes and volcanic action.
Sheets can be grouped into 3 main plate motion in terms of their interactions. Divergence-separation, convergence-collision, lateral displacement-stripping. These types of motion, this range also determines the attributes of the earthquakes and volcanic activity
Away-allocated Sheets (Divergent Plates)
Diverging plates, infiltrating the crevices between the rocks melt from asthenosphere creates. This solution is added to the surface as they harden and crust. Astenosfer'den sheets from each other to leave the solution, and thus continues to apply force. This separation is usually thinner than the ocean floor and back to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is a very good example of it. This separation occurs on the continent is composed of a new ocean floor. Yet the sea is not sufficient for the formation of separation of East Africa, the going that direction. This type of vacancies, the melt solidifies Astenosfer'den Litosfer'e transform and causes the growth plates.
Between the lithosphere plates move away from because it is too thin, the energy savings would lead to major earthquakes would not be here. The foci of the earthquakes near the surface most of the time.
Converging-Bumper Plates (Convergent Plates)
The convergence and collision of the plates can be in three different ways:
Oceanic and continental plates encounters, the more dense oceanic plate (density 2.8 - 3.0 g/cm3), the continental plate (density 7.2 g/cm3) falls under (subduction). Plunging into the deep part of the bottom part of the magma reaches a melting begins and the continental side of the volcano is caused by the formation of clusters. Levhası'nın Levhası'nın caused by the Nazca subducting underneath the South American Andes is an example.
Two oceanic plate match, it still falls under another plate. Similarly as above the surface of the magma ocean floor will begin to create volcanoes. If this activity continues, may exceed the height of the volcano reaches the surface of the ocean and the islands occurs. Formed in this way many volcanic island in the Philippines.
Match the two continental plates, the plates are usually under another DALMAZ none. Parts of the mountains, creates new sheets stuck together. The ongoing formation of the Himalayas is a good example.
Earthquakes that occurred in converging and colliding plates may be very different depths and sizes. Immersed in a plate under the other regions, especially in large deep-focus earthquakes.
Lateral Displacement-stripping (Lateral Slipping)
Displacement of the two plates scraping each other would not be increased or decreased during the Litosfer'de. The friction between the two plates is too great to resist a certain period of action. Solved by increasing the voltage periodic large earthquakes in this region. California's San Andreas fault line of the North Anatolian fault line, and this type of plate motion is observed.
This type of plate movements, earthquakes, often close to the surface or mid-depth of focus. Friction and fracture may occur in a long line of large earthquakes to occur along the



Ancient süperkıtta Pangea and its surrounding area which will be seen and Panthalassa Ocean Pacific Ocean is today.

Kıtaları'nı called Laurasia in the north, in present-day North America and Eurasia kııta big in the south, and today called Gondwana into South America and Africa Kıtaları'nı is available in a separate continents. In addition to these two great continents of ancient India Yarımadasıının, Avustutya'nın, Madagascar and the Antarctic Continent and we see taking shape slowly.

North and South America, K? Continents? gradually separated from the others, gave to the Atlantic Ocean aluşmasına
Geophysical Specialist German Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) 's, as stated in an article published in 1915, for the first time on Earth 500 million years ago, glued together pieces of land, in the name of Pangea and the South Pole in the there. The following 540 million years ago, since the phases of the earth's crust is observed.

The age of the world's 4.6 billion, about 5.5 billion years is the age of the sun. After 5 billion years the sun is the source of hydrogen is estimated to be depleted. Thus, our world could be called has a lifespan of at least 5 billion years. For embedding the geography of the continent on Earth 540 million years had passed its present form, given that such a geography, earth, at least nine (9) times have changed and no longer in at least nine (9) once again assumed that the figure will come into shape. That make up the Earth's crust and the solid parts of the ocean (which is referred to as "plate" call), bump into each other like waves on a lake interspersed with each other, enter below or rub against each other, scraping act. The moving speed of 3 cm to 15 cm in a year. Arabian plate 4.5 cm per year rapidly progressive north-northeast direction, the Anatolian plate compresses continuously .. The main reason for earthquakes in Turkey, the Arabian plate movement known.

The continents gradually separated from each other and towards the north-hour scorpion act in the opposite direction.

Gitlikçe aynlması between the continents are becoming apparent.

So that the positions of the continents came to present-day. However, this location is on the continent of movements continue to be elmektedir geçicidir.Çünkü. Today, after 500 million years, the Earth will not be able to recognize coğrafyasınıı. Space age measurement techniques, this incredible movement of the continents in the future under our feet will create a whole new world geography hir known. For instance, 00 million years after I Bunyan due to movements in Africa and Arabislan llevhalarının, Mediterranean, Black Sea and the Aegean. date the sea. mix, Africa, and Europe Anadalu united.

The Earth's crust are moving constantly

In temperature with increasing depth in the large-scale movement of heat is increasing. This movement "sheet" is called olrak solid and brittle shell that covers parts of the earth is caused to move. During this movement sheets become detached from each other, act laterally relative to each other or bump into each other.

Plate tectonics has played an important role in the discovery and development of the earthquakes. Earthquakes plates touched each other at the border because of the earthquake deformation and cracks and eccentric (or merkezüsleri) sets the boundaries of plates. Sequences shown in the figure formed by the earthquake foci along the borders marked "Earthquake Belts referred to as"

Mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries

The plates move away from each other, the material ranges magma pushes to the side plates on both sides of the border. This event usually occurs mid-ocean ridges. Lateral strike-slip motion parallel to the two plates act as a border. North Anatolian Fault and in North America this kind of lateral boundaries San Andreas Fault. Sheets, along the borders, they are always moving relative to each other. Displacement values ​​of the plates relative to each other can be up to several centimeters in a few centimeters per year.

Mid-oceanic ridge

Dive to the bottom opening in the middle of the ocean nedeiynle Ocean Plate movement of continental plates

Schematic Explanation of Movement in the Shell

HOT POINTS (Hot Spots)

Hot spots (Hotspots)
Earthquakes and volcanic activity occurs around the borders of a large part of the plate. However, the Hawaii and the surrounding islands of volcanic origin, such as in the case of the volcanic formations are far from plate boundaries. These mantle temperature is too high and out of the Earth's crust so far to small areas called hot spot occurs due to the rising magma. Sheets to be fixed as well as mobile, but the hot spots will occur volcanoes or volcanic islands

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