Sunday 3 March 2013

Types of Soil Map of Turkey

Types of Soil Map of Turkey

Types of Soil in Turkey

Turkey is to be more diversity in climate, parent rock lands have different structures, vegetation diversity, altitude and soil types are a variety of reasons such as differences in shapes.

The main of this land are as follows:

Alluvial soils: River and flood waters aşındırdıkları sand heights, mi, clay and gravel soils composed of materials such as biriktirmeleriyle where the slope decreases. Such soils are generally stream length of the valley and the valley bottoms, alluvial cones and deltas slopes are parts of the slope decreases. These lands, which is extremely efficient in terms of our country's agricultural economy is extremely important.

Terra rossa soils: Mediterranean climate areas shown in red in color, this land consists of areas covered with stone. Tomatoes are the most in the Mediterranean Region.

Brown forest soils: These soils, especially broad-leaved forest-covered areas of the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions developed. These soils are rich in humus efficient.

Podzolic soils: Department of the Western Black Sea under the common pale coniferous forests soils with low productivity.

Lateritleşmiş land: hot and humid equatorial climate, like the Eastern Black Sea region, Department of
seen in similar soils in the coastal parts of the laterite.

Chestnut and brown steppe soils: less rainfall in the steppe regions of this land, mainly in Central Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions are seen. Typically used for cereal crops.

Çernezyomlar: Erzurum - Kars plateau, this land in the summer of rainfall evolved under the lush pastures rich in humus. For this reason, dark-colored soils.

Saline soils: soils that seen around Salt Lake inefficient.


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