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Saturday 2 March 2013

Map of agri-crops-Industry Plants in Turkey

Map of agri-crops-Industry Plants in Turkey

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Turkey-Industrial Plants-Agriculture-Grain Legumes



Wheat: Mid-generation semi-arid regions of the agricultural products grown and produced in our country, the most common.

• During spring rain to germinate and grow, to mature, dry and hot in summer, an atmosphere.

• do not exceed the extreme cold winters in the fall, cold parts of Eastern Anatolia are planted in the spring.

• Mediterranean and Aegean coasts in June and July in Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, is harvested in August.

• In Turkey, Central Anatolia Region is made up of production. Konya, Ankara and Adana share the first three places in the province.

• the expiration of the Black Sea coast rainy summers, due to the expiration of the cool summers produced in the high places of East Anatolia.

Barley: In Turkey, the most-produced cereal after wheat product. According to wheat, a little more cool and dry conditions, and a relatively low mineral content in the soil grows. According to wheat, matures in less time (80-90 days) Therefore, the wheat grows Erzurum - Kars plateau from 2000 to 2200 m can grow up to. Generally parallels that of wheat production areas. Anatolian part of Turkey's production meets nearly half.

Rye: Grain is the most durable in the cold. For this reason, wheat and barley yetiştirilemediği cool and grown at high altitudes. In our country the most, produced by the Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions.

Oats: Oats are produced in hot and dry conditions, as can be grown in cooler regions. More used biscuits and animal feed industry. In our country, mostly in Central Anatolia, Marmara and Çukurova grown.

Egypt: The summer season is grown in areas with rainfall or irrigation. The most suitable climate, summer rainfall climate of the Black Sea. Because of this feature poses different barley and wheat cultivation.

Egypt, Turkey, the Black Sea coast of the Marmara Sea in summer rainfall in the northern part yetişebilirken, of course, this is not the Mediterranean, the Aegean and the other type irrigation is grown in inland areas.

In recent years, the increasing use of corn feed and the oil industry, especially in the production of Çukurova widespread. As a result, maize production in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea Region has passed.

Rice (paddy): Growth is the request for the duration of high humidity and temperature. Production in Turkey, mostly rivers and alluvial plains tribes are common. Growing need to stay in the water most of the time during the production is difficult.

At most, Edirne Evros and Ergene the edges of rivers, then Samsun, Istanbul, Kastamonu, Turkey, Adana, Diyarbakir provinces, such as raised edges of the river.


Lentils: Growth in the rain, ripening period, like hot and dry climate. Resistant to all kinds of soil conditions. In our country, more than red lentils in Southeast Anatolia (95%), green lentils in the Central Anatolia Region (75%) are produced.

Chickpea: chickpeas grow in semi-arid climatic conditions, the maximum in Central Anatolia, Mediterranean, Central Anatolia, Aegean and South-East produced. Legumes production in the most content.

Beans: height not exceeding 2000 m in all areas and is grown in irrigated during the summer. The most important breeding areas, coastal areas as plains. Southern Marmara Antalya plains and plains of Cilicia, and in particular the Department of beans are widely cultivated. In the interior regions, river heights are grown in gardens. The annual production of 200 thousand tons of beans.


Tobacco: Kıraç land-loving, growing period, a plant that needs high humidity and high temperature. Tobacco production in Turkey is suitable for the climate and soil structure. However, it does not decrease the quality of sowing areas of the state is to determine the pricing and quality. Therefore, fluctuations in production is decreasing over the years.

More than 50% of the production of tobacco in the Aegean region of Manisa, Izmir, Denizli, Muğla and made cities such as Butler. Black Sea Region Samsun, Amasya, Tokat and around Sinop, Southeast Anatolia, Diyarbakir, Siirt, Batman around the Sea of ​​Marmara in Balikesir, Bursa around, Eastern Anatolia, Malatya, Mush, Bitlis tobacco is produced in the vicinity.

Cotton: Growth in the rain, ripening period, like hot and dry climate. Product must be watered the base period. Summer precipitation in this period in order to reduce the quality of the product growing regions of the Black Sea coast.

In addition to any high summer temperatures, the interior areas as production has not developed as much as the Mediterranean and Aegean regions.

Cotton, in our country, the more the coastal plains of the Aegean, Çukurova, Hatay, K. Maras plains produced. Some of them are produced in the plains of the Southeastern Anatolia Region.

Sugar beet: sugar beet production in our country in 1926, started the construction of sugar factories Butler and Alpullu. There is no heat request more beets. However, the base need to be watered during the growing and making products. Therefore, the possibility of production areas do developed irrigation. Production of, at most, is the Central Anatolia Region. Later, the Central Black Sea, Marmara, East Anatolia and around the central Aegean produced. More rain did not like the Black Sea coast, which is extremely hot and arid G. Eastern Anatolia and the Aegean and Mediterranean coastal plains of the higher yielding products yetiştirilmemektedir there.

Tea: Tropical climate zones of agricultural products. Can be cultivated in hot or humid temperate humid climate conditions.

All tea production in Turkey meets the Black Sea Region. The most important tea production around the center of the Eastern Black Sea region of Rize. Artvin, Trabzon, Giresun and Ordu provinces in places 10-20 km along içerilerekadar the winter of 300 - 400m. established agricultural areas to the heights of tea. Thus, tea and expanded agricultural areas.

Poppy: Drug construction due to the use of the state under the control of a plant grown in limited areas, and a small amount. October during the 7-8 ° C during maturation and 12-13 ° C temperature has a request. Capsules, which are collected in summer rainfall periods do not. In our country, production, Inner Aegean Afyon, Kutahya, Istanbul, Denizli provinces are obtained.

Flax - Hemp: Tropical regions flax plant - hemp fibers are made of linen fabric and denim fabric. In addition, hemp seed, oil extraction utilized. Flax - hemp drugs in the control of the state has done. Linen - more than the production of hemp, West Karadaniz'deki Kastamonu, Sinop and Zonguldak is around and around the Sea of ​​Marmara Kocaeli.


Olive: bitkilerindendir Mediterranean climate, of course. Wild olive (crazy) aşılanmasıyla olive culture is obtained. Is sensitive to cold, winters mild and frost occurrence observed in the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea, some of the coastal areas of southern grown.

In our country, the maximum Aegean region olive (60%) is produced. The southern shores of the Marmara (Gemlik-Mudanya) and grown extensively around the Mediterranean coast and Kilis.

Sunflower: Growth in the rain, like a sunny climate during maturation. Rainfall during maturation does not want, due to growing regions of the coastal areas of the Black Sea region. In all other regions, agriculture can be made.

Sunflower close to 70% of the production part of the Marmara Region, particularly in Tekirdag and Edirne, Kırklareli, Balikesir, Bursa provinces meet. Then, comes the Department of Central Anatolia Region and the Middle Black Sea.

Soybeans: Oil human nutrition, soy flour is used as the feed, the most in the Mediterranean Region (90%) are produced. Planted as a second crop growing cycle is short.

Sesame: is cultivated in temperate climate zones. Turkey, Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, produced in hot regions such as Southeastern Anatolia.

Peanut: Fruits ripen in the soil. Hot and humid climatic conditions and loose soils are cultivated. 90% of peanut production in the Mediterranean Region in Turkey, Adana, Hatay and Mersin provinces meet. Produced in the plains of the Aegean and Marmara.


Alfalfa, oats, vetch, hairy vetch, and sainfoin, forage plants, such as the name given. Development of livestock breeding and meat production in Turkey has a particular importance in increasing forage crops. Because our country is insufficient meadows and pastures. Be utilized in wet and dry fodder crops. More Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara regions of the forage produced, processed and made ready for use in factories. Used in livestock fattening.


Almost all types of vegetables are grown in Turkey. Vegetable, grains, unlike the expenditure of irrigated and labor intensive manufactured products. In addition, thanks to greenhouse production were continued in the winter is not interrupted.

Vegetable production takes first place in the Mediterranean. This region has had winters are mild even in winter vegetables produced in greenhouses. In addition, in the first field vegetables are produced in this region.

Hello vegetables, the head of a season of production activity. Some of the fruits and vegetables, grown and marketing of outdoor weather conditions, based on early. Parts of our country began in early spring, vegetables, and fruits ripen early and 30-40 days in advance and presented to markets. This early season vegetable production activities, these vegetables are called in the early season vegetables.


Nuts: Temperate climate zones plant. Winter temperatures 5-6 ° C, in summer temperatures of 20-25 ° C. and annual from 1000 to 1500 mm rainfall, grows in temperate and cool climate regions. Reduces the yields of frost and summer drought.

Hazelnut farming in our country, the Black Sea coast are common. Especially Ordu, Giresun and Trabzon provinces provide more than half of production. Then, comes the provinces of Bolu and Zonguldak. More than 80% of total production meets the Black Sea Region. Hazelnut production in the Marmara region is around Sakarya and Izmit.

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits such products, also called orange, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit and turunçtan occurs. The homeland of Southeast Asia. Are very sensitive to cold. In winter the temperature drops below 0 ° C can be grown in the regions. In addition, the high temperature and wanting plenty of water a plant.

This is due to the nature of citrus cultivation became widespread sea side. 85% of production gives the shoreline areas of the Mediterranean region.

The rest of the Aegean coast Mugla, Izmir, Aydin provides the provinces. Grown on the shores of the Rize has had some mild winters.

Fig: Eastern Mediterranean off the coast of his native. Mild winters, hot summers passed, the annual rainfall is 600-700 mm are easily grown in marine climates. Saffron-growing regions are sensitive to cold than the inner regions.

Figs, more than in the Aegean Region Aydin and around Izmir is produced. (90%) Furthermore, a small amount along the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, South Marmara and G. Eastern Anatolia is produced.

Grape: In winter, temperatures up to -40 ° C is based. Since our heat and drought-tolerant plants are grown in our country, in almost every area. Rainy summers due to the expiration of the high places of the Black Sea coast and saffron-growing regions of Eastern Anatolia, inadequate temperature.

Production is made up in the Aegean Region. G. Eastern Anatolia, Central Anatolia, Marmara and Mediterranean regions also produced. Especially in the Aegean region of Manisa, Izmir, Denizli, Turkey is an important part of the dried seedless grapes produced are exported to regions. Grapes, is resistant to cold and drought, which is the most common in our country, along with the apple fruit.

Apple: In Turkey, the most widely grown grapes and fruit. Affected by low temperatures during flowering. At other times they can withstand up to -35 ° C. Calcareous and provides high efficiency at deep soils.

Apple production in Central Anatolia, Nigde, Nevsehir, around Konya, Central Black Sea Region Amasya around the Mediterranean, Isparta, Antalya and Burdur are common around.

Banana: a tropical plant of the region. Required for the growth of high temperature and abundant moisture. Plant that can match the most susceptible to low temperatures and frost. In Turkey, not only in the Mediterranean Region Antalya - a very narrow coastal strip between the cultivation of Mersin done.

Pistachios: dried fruits and fruit growing region in the world used to be very limited plant. Withstand the heat of summer, and the barrenness of a plant. In Turkey, Gaziantep most, Sanli Urfa and around Siirt produced.

Apricot: low regions of our country are grown in a continental climate zones. Maximum of apricot production in Malatya, Elazig, Konya, Ankara and Izmir are made.

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