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Saturday 2 March 2013

Map of Mineral and Energy Resources of Turkey

Map of Mineral and Energy Resources of Turkey

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Map of Mineral and Energy Resources of Turkey


Various mines located in every region of Turkey, a country that is rich in some madenlerce. Suitable for exploitation in mines a rich and varied. However, from today not yet been included in all the mines. Mines operated in the domestic market are given, as well as raw materials are exported. Mines, underground richness of Turkey. Some of the mines operated very ancient times, some of the data mining relocate spread to other countries. Many former lead, gold, silver, iron, copper, tin mines were known. Turks have long been interested in mining. The value of the mine have been given the Ergenekon Epic destanlaştırmıştır Turks. Mines, where "sprout" in compounds called "ore" is extracted as the main mineral called later becomes melting However, it is also desired goods, equipment and machinery are made. Metals, either in pure form in nature are rare. Most of the other elements in the form of compounds and minerals are mixed. These compounds in mineral ores of metals. Underground or surface mines, stone, soil, and other materials are mixed yet not been obtained and that any processing of mineral ores "colemanite ore" is called. Filizlerdeki mining rate may be less than sometimes. In such cases, in order to obtain a small amount of mineral ore need to handle a large amount. Mineral filizinden only metal but also other materials are removed. Mines the separation of other substances sprouts has become a science that works, it 'is a division of metallurgy. Mines, the main material of the earth's crust between the stones "mineral veins" and "mineral deposits" is found, çoğunca also by other compounds are mixed case and minerals. Mining veins and deposits, or in the ground is horizontal or near the posture, upright or inclined, and even extend. This posture and extension, has an important role in the removal of mines. Estimate the amounts of minerals and reserve a situation where the "mineral reserve" are expressed in the form. Mining businesses are close link between this concept.

Major Types of Mining

Mines the formation of reserves, geological structure and consists of types and geological time-dependent. Turkey 1 time, 4 3 plots were frequent activities occurred until vardır.Volkanik consisting of land at large. Therefore, chromium, iron, copper, lead, minerals such as pyrite in volcanic rocks are numerous.

Iron: iron - the most important raw material for the steel industry. Turkey is rich in iron ore reserves. Iron ore were found in almost every region. However, these beds can be operated around 60.

Have an important role in people's daily life, and the iron industry in Turkey, and the beds are available in all parts of the rich veins. Turks from time immemorial, and in the meantime have benefited from the Ottomans during the reign of iron, forging high level reached in time. There are varieties of iron ore. According to these kinds of sought after in the industry. Today, the most important of all the metals iron. Iron is not possible to think without the machine. Iron, you can easily make oksitleşebilir or chemical compounds. For this reason, not as pure iron çoğunca, in compositions Remove. 19. growing steadily since the end of the century "steel" made of iron increased the value of the large scale.

Steel, mechanical, Physicochemical properties which may be very different under the effects of heat and an iron-carbon alloy. This alloy is up to 1.7% carbon content. Steel fontdan (sewing iron) that separates the property, so that there is less carbon in the fontdakinden rolled in appropriate conditions (rod, plate and insertion into other formats) is located. Steel, the remaining crude iron melt during the whole process, more of carbon and other impurities is recovered from the purified dilution. Steels are produced in a wide range according to the requirements. However, in order to alloy with iron lesser extent, by the way, even if the combined and minerals for the construction of high-quality special steel and has a pedigree. With these, manganese, chromium and nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium held the important place. Widia instance of a mineral called wolfam carbide alloy steel is as hard as diamond.

Here, the main ingredient of the iron and steel industry, iron, contribute to the development of our country as a kind of value, and there are regions. These rolling mill with the Balikesir region Divriği Eğmir and shroud, Çamdağ East Marmara region, the Aegean region Ayazmand, bagged, Büyükköy the Mediterranean region, Payas. Kayseri K. Farasan of Maras, Karamadazi, Sivas - Hekimhan Hasançelebi in the Eastern Black Sea region has Fundacık. To our country. all grades of iron ores are found in other parts. Divrigi them good quality magnetite iron ore deposit formation, and is estimated to be 40 million tons. The other is rich in iron cevherlerimiz. (See MT A Mineral Inventory of Turkey, 1980).

Maden1erimizden iron mine based on the use of the Republican era, and this has been the industry's efforts to set up. In 1932, the first açı1arak from Kirikkale Steel Plant has evolved to the present day. 30 thousand tons of ingot steel construction of this factory has passed. Karabük Iron and Steel Enterprises was founded in 1937 by Sumerbank. Showing the development of these facilities, a general manager in 1955 and became a law. "Turkey Iron and Steel Enterprises'" in the name, this organization is connected Inns Divriği Iron Mines. I started at 957 enterprises in Karabuk genişletilmeleriyle production value of more than three times the issued, a new high fınn1ar added. This is called the çevberi necessary Divrigi businesses, getirti1mektedir Zonguldak coal. Expanding business year, 1.2 million tons of iron increased iron production to meet the needs of Divriği. One of the great our facilities based on Article raw iron "Eregli Danir and Steel Works" is. This law was introduced in 1961 at the time of the establishment of an additional "Eregli Iron and Steel Works Inc.." which have been formed in these large facilities, a private joint-stock partnership state that there is co-founder and partner of the foreign bodies. Up to 850 thousand tons of annual requirement of iron ore Hekimhan Otlukkilise, Cetinkaya, Akdag (Sivas), Kesikköprü (Ankara), Karamadazi (Kayseri) and Eğmir (Balikesir) ocak1anndan mine. provision of Zonguldak coal region. considered. All of these businesses in Izmir outside the metallurgic factory (Metas) is prominent.

Copper is one of the metals used in prehistoric times people first. Indicating the formation of the volcanic regions of the earth's crust are widely available in copper reserves. Meet the country's need for the production of pure copper, pure copper is taken from the outside.

With the pourable and skill for being cold rolled copper mine in use before the date of the first people in ages. Later, before the harder bronze alloyed with tin was obtained. but that is useful for hard and iron, copper and its alloys has taken place over time. Copper, particularly in the era of electrical energy from the madenlerindendir. Under the similarity in color of copper and its alloys processed easily and has not lost its importance today.

There are all parts of the copper mine in Turkey., The main ones of these operates Ergani, Murgol, and the Globe mines. In addition, there are smaller-scale private-sector businesses. All of these businesses, 920 thousand tons per year of ore mines has been removed. Copper-run jobs, depends on Etibank. These "Ergani Copper Enterprise" Mining in the county of Elazig. The coppers intervals since 1850, operated continuously since 1939. Ergani is the essence of high copper mine. Our copper mine in another "Murgol Copper Works" is. Artvin district in pyrex from the mine was opened in 1951. Ergani, as well as an open operating system, where the ore is removed. The third copper mines: "Ball Copper, Pyrite Enterprise" is. Kastamonu 's sphere of this mining district, is operated from place to place in the past, the main business carried out since 1959.

Chrome: Very hard, well polishable and a stainless yaygındır.Makine madendir.Volkanik areas and stainless steel used in the construction industry and a major mine in the engine. According to recent data, the production of chrome Turkey World 4 sıradadır.Yurtdışına an important quarry sold.

Chrome, 18 Mines of a well-known since the end of the century. Very hard, very well polishable, non-rusting metal which a. Therefore, the metal such as nickel, this item used in coating. Thus, nickel plating, as a "chrome-plated" is. However, the chromium in the steel industry had kept a large extent, that the hardness of steel and anti-rust protection, for obtaining high-quality steel has been an important mineral. Steel and nickel, and alloys with chromium appreciated.

Turkey, one of the world's richest countries in terms of chrome. Between countries, particularly in terms of extraction gelenlerindendir Chrome. The other countries of chromium Union of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, the Philippines, Cuba, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Japan. Chrome, Turkey has become an important export item. The production of a different status from year to year according to demand, which from the outside appeared chromium. There are many parts of Turkey 's the kind of chrome. The main areas of southwestern Anatolia (Fethiye - Marmaris, Dalaman Basin), Kutahya - from Bursa, Ergani - Mining zone '(Guleman chrome ore), Eskişehir doğukos, Maras, Kayseri, Sivas any circles of Eastern Anatolia regions. The size of our country - a large number of small and there are chrome factory (I 978 i 03 According to the data so). Most of it (88) private-sector enterprises. The Guleman of the largest chromite deposits found in 1934, Etibank 'as an organization connected to the "Eastern Kromları provided" as I have been commissioned to 939.

The work carried out by the mining of ore underground system. Cleaned ores are sent to the port of Iskenderun. Here from 1939 to 1970 were obtained from up to 4 million tons of ore for sale. In addition, the town of Fethiye Muğa'nın "Üçköprü Mining Operations" in the chromium is removed. According to data from 1969, the amount of chromium mines has all the chrome mines produced 662 thousand tons. This private, 410 thousand tons.
 Boron minerals (borax): The most important raw material for chemical industry. Turkey is in first place in the world in terms of reserves. However, the economy is less than the contribution of production and foreign sales are low.

Sulfur: the production of artificial fertilizers and pesticides used in the chemical industry in particular. The largest reserves Yöresi'ndedir Lakes. Production, consumption abroad, the reason is at least one portion of the karşılayamaz.Bu.

Wolfram (tungsten): Space and war industry, used, rare in the mines. Uludag's richest reserves.

Manganese: halindedir.Saf Turkey as scattered beds are not available. Production consumption requirement to buy from outside.

Bauxite: our country is one of the richest mines that have booked. Bauxite, aluminum is obtained after processing. The most consumed products of iron ore mining industry after the state. Has been widely used especially in the construction of aircraft bodies.
Bauxite is utilized in the production of aluminum and is an important stone AlıO3 the basis of the composition. Occurs as fine-grained and solid clays. Very light weight (specific gravity 2.6) due to the aircraft industry, automobile production in the manufacture of household goods, and even has gained increasing importance in making electrical equipment. However, because electrical energy is needed for the production of aluminum, so they can be cheaper been done by hydraulic power, especially in this industry where the electricity produced in the shed too. For instance, water power, but not a lot of electrical energy baksit countries such as Norway and Sweden are not mine, this is mine have imported from the outside.

Aluminum raw material bauxite deposits in Turkey, recently in the Western Taurus (Seydisehir district of Konya side) was found to be rich. Oymapınar near you in order to assess (Homa) aluminum production plant utilizing the preparations undertaken to beat.

Emery Stone: Metamorphic rocks, contained in a wide range of application in the mines. The richest reserves the Aegean Region.

Mercury is the only madendir.Tıpta liquid in nature and used in the field of photography.

Salt: to taste salt and salting to prevent the growth of bacteria, salt is an important raw material for the chemical industry in recent years used as the gelmiştir.Tuz from the lake and was settled in Izmir-salt reserves, with the highest places.

Energy Resources

Hard coal: the country's largest coal basin, the western Black Sea Bölümü'ndedir. I. The coal basins Consisted of geological time. Iron - Steel industry, coal is used as an energy source, but also the raw material for the chemical industry. Annual production is around 4-5 million tons. Meet the need for production in Turkey.

Among the countries of the Near and Middle East and the Mediterranean, Turkey's richest coal deposits in Western Black Sea region. Here, "Zonguldak: Coal Basin is called" Actually, however, the land is much broader than that of coal. Havza "Eregli - Zonguldak Coal Basin" is also. Önekerini coal collected in 1829 by Mehmet the court only after a long first given to a company operated coal mines started in 1848, in 1865 the Ministry of the Navy enterprise (Ministry of Maritime Affairs), attached in 1882 started to be released for sale, then foreign companies also entered into coal basin . Once you have installed Etibank in 1937, especially in the French capital Eregli Company, other foreign companies that were purchased by the state enterprises given to banks in 1940 nationalized all cookers.

Eregli - Zonguldak Coal Havzamız rare geological occurrence in coal basins in the alpine zone, is one of the folds. This peat land carbon cycle on land rich coal Kulm facies are in series. Havzamız coal basins in Europe are descendants of those with this condition. Layers shows different slopes of the basin where the coal at all places, and sometimes they are found less inclined. Kozlu Zonguldak: and Kalymnos - Gelik in coal land that extends and expands, these places the most productive places of the basin. Here, the transfer of coal-bearing strata of Carbon east-west length of 16 km., North - south width of the 3-6 Km. respectively. Surface area of ​​this field is 42 Km. ka-redir. In addition, the eastern coastal region of Amasra, the more eastern part of the essence of Willow, Azdavay and remote environments, layers of coal are all depths. When all the width and depth of the side boundaries of Northwestern Anatolia, complete with coal reserves of Havzamızın certainly not known, but the total thickness of 70 m Eregli-Zonguldak Basin. coal layer, which are so close to 50. In this regard, is considered a rich coals is thought to be a possible multi-billion tonnes of reserves, i.

Were excised at the different types of coals amount of Zonguldak. Extraction does not exceed 50 thousand tons a year until 1865 just after this date in 1890 slightly increased by 150, 400 in 1900, 570 thousand tons in 1920 found, i million tons in 1924 approached. Found in 1940, 3 million tons, 7.3 million tons in 1969 approached. Statistics, the amount of coal extracted from the ground (colemanite) as well as the amount of coal extracted and washed awarded for each year. This latter figure is smaller than the first one. For instance, in 1967 the removal coal crusher-run stone with a figure of 7.5 million tonnes, close to the results shown, sorted, washed and concentrated Halile this value is 5 million tons, unless otherwise indicated. Is the same for the other coals. The main attractions of this mineral coals spent Karabuk facilities (1.2 million tons), Çatalağzı plant (half a million tons), various industrial branches (I, 5 million tons), household fuels (600 thousand tons) long. in some coals from time to time, have been exported. Production 1978 - 1982 between the years 5-6 million tons.

Lignite in Turkey is the richest source of energy reserves. Almost every region has more or less lignite deposits. Often considered as fuel and thermal power plants. Afsin-Elbistan largest lignite basin. Annual net production of 40 million tons. Production and consumption is increasing at the same speed.
Also referred to as brown coal, lignite coal calorific value of the principal (stone coal) at a coal. Therefore, in terms of economic value comes after the stone coal. Çoğunca lignite coal, the third time, the grounds of the Neogene period, a lot of time in the beds is in a horizontal or slightly sloped posture. Lignite deposits of Neogene age between the layers of our country, there are many places. Bun-s part of the very rich. Of Kütühya Tavsanli - Tunçbilek, Değirmisaz, Manisa Soma lignite, Amasya and Bilecik linyit1eri Celtek, Aegean, Erzurum region is important lignite. In 1972 Elbistan be found in section 3 billion tons of lignite has been found very backed up. Lignite removal work has developed in the last 30-40 years. Than the amount of lignite extracted in 1930, while only 10 thousand tons, 100 thousand tons in 1937, the amount found, in 1948, 1 million, and came in 1962 to 4 million in 1969 was 8.5 million tonnes. That the private sector was burning 2 million tons. Extracted and washed with 4.5 million tons of this amount is close to the state. 11 of 178 finds the number of public sector enterprises, the private sector 167. Lignite has been selling 353 million pounds. (167 production to 20 million tons in 1982).

Lignite coals, in our country has gained increasing importance in terms of meeting the need for fuel. Today, this fuel is heated Stoves cities. The necessity of obtaining as much as possible to save fuel wood forests and villages still widely used as fuel in a "cunt" in fertilizer use in the main clause to deal with any kind of benefit from lignite Beds, is preferred. Subtract 25 million tons of lignite, if found, in almost all country wood as fuel is no longer used. Today, 70% of forest products are used as fuel.

Established by law in 1975 "Turkey Coal Enterprises" (TKI) is a government agency under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. The purpose of the institution in Turkey, coal, lignite and peat coal mines to investigate, their operation, to ensure that the distribution and sales. Two coal-producing depending on what TKI (Eregli Coal Operations Organization, Garp Lignite. Institute), one of the selling coal (Coal Sales and Dispatch Organization) with the establishment of the three lignite produces 3 run (Corum İl'inde Alpagut-Dodurga Lignite, medium Anatolian Lignite, Lignite Erzurum, Eastern Province), Afsin - Elbistan is Group President. Afsin-Elbistan low-calorie, but it was very abundant and rich lignite deposits (reserve has been estimated 3.2 billion tons). Here was quite a large thermal power plant. 18 million tons of coal burned per year.

Oil: the most important energy sources, the first state of the world economy. However, Turkey is not that rich in oil reserves. There are significant oil deposits in Southeastern Anatolia in Turkey. Turkey's annual production is around 2.5 to 3 million tons. Maximum of 20% of oil produced in the country is able to meet gereksinmesinin. For this reason, takes the first place in the oil Among those from abroad.

Oil, the major energy source of our time and energy for motor vehicles with an unrivaled material. Today is a very important oil world-wide scale have any problems akaryakıttır relationship. The value of oil 19 appeared towards the end of the century, had increased steadily to the present day. Oil, Gas, liquid or solid form, containing all the hidrakarbüderi bitumens belong to the group. The composition of oil, about 79-88% carbon, 9-16% Hydrogen and an amount of the foreign elements oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. Although there are various opinions on petroleum formation, they are of organic origin 00rulmuş more on, so some of the old oil in a shallow sea and inland seas, gulfs has been suggested that they create. Oil, the depths of the earth's crust, rocks hoşluklarını, yarıklarını filled pores.

Turkey and all the oil rich 001gelerimizde the last 50 years research revealed that there is oil. Raman in 1940 in South-Eastern Mountain anticline (belt) made of 1050 m. reaching the first drilling depth has been reached with the oil deposits, then it is concluded yataklanna Garzan in this area. A law enacted in 1954 accelerated oil exploration, oil exploration homeland of 9 (1969 according to the 11 region) were separated. Today, this is the most intensive research areas, many parts of the Southeast Anatolia (in Siirt and Gaziantep region where available). Adana, Sivas region, the Van region, Thrace region. Clinical trials of new oil deposits as found in the Southeastern Anatolia region (Western Raman, Maghreb, Kurtalan, Selmo, Steeled ...). Around Gaziantep, Adana, in the north of the mountain of wheat of good quality oil bulunarak undertaken to operate it. Turkey, in 1958 only 330 thousand tonnes of crude oil in 1969 was 3.623 million tonnes. Provided more than oils collected from the Southeastern Anatolia region, is treated at first Batman refinery, Batman and Dörtyol of increased production (Iskenderun Bay) from an oil pipe (pipe-line) furnished. Mileage dropped from 494 in 1967, this pipeline. long and 45 cm diameter of the pipe. respectively. Move the tube that holds 10 thousand tons per day. Oil production is increasing, and the future of our country is strongly hoped that improvements to meet the needs of all kinds of oil.

As an example should be noted that oil drilling in 1969 has 5 companies in Turkey:

1) Turkey Petroleum Corporation 'Partnership (TPAA),
2) N. V. Turkse Shell,
3) Notm American International, Inc. - Aladdin Middle East Oil Ltd., 4) Trans Vorld OII Co., Ltd.. - Aladdin Middle East Oil Ltd.,
5) Ersan Petrol Industries, Inc.

Drilling 42 wells were drilled during the year, and the sum of 107 thousand meters drilling was done in 1969. In 1969 there were 280 wells. Oh TP in 1969. approximately, 1,133,522 tons, Ersan 50 824 tonnes, 608 377 tonnes of Mobile, Shell produced 1,830,469 tons of crude oil. They all found that the total 3,632,192 tonnes. TPAO (Turkey Petroleum Corporation) was founded in 1954 by a special regulation.

Iraq - Turkey Oil pipe

A major oil facility in the Iraq-Turkey oil tube. Iraq is a part of the crude oil produced in the Northern Region to be sent to the Mediterranean via Turkey entered into the construction of oil pipeline (Pipe - Line) opened in 1977 in Kirkuk, pumped, Egg Harbor ceremony the next day made a second, loading oil tankers here started the job. Which is one of the world's oil pipelines and the construction of a long i was started at 968, I finished this oil pipeline at the end of 976, 981 Km. and 340 Km of it. Iraq percent, 641 Km. percent in Turkey. This is a great organization and Iraq, and Turkey have been good for a year, has the capacity of 35 million tons of crude oil shed. Pumping stations along the path of the pipe (2 percent in Turkey, Iraq, 3), there are communication devices.

Oil-based industries in Turkey (Petro - Chemical Industry) was established In 1965 with the support of TPAO developed as soon as possible, 55% of this company, 25% TC Retirement Fund and 20% of Oyak (Armed Forces Pension Fund) has grown to be pertaining to. (Izmit - Yarımca and Izmir - Aliaga on), established facilities ethylene, polyethylene, vinyl chloride, carbon black, collar alcohol, dodecyl Benzu Factories and help them with a çoklan organization. Petro-Chemical (petkim) products of what is common in Turkey, plastics, synthetic rubber, fibers, detergents, pesticides, dyes, synthetic fertilizers.

Regulates the five major markets of oil-based fuel sales organization are as follows: Petroleum Agency (engendered by war in 1941 was established to organize and distribute the difficulty of fuel. Continuously connected to a status. Capital of the treasury, and the stations are thousand, 2.2 million tons of petroleum products markets) BP oil (group of five of the company in 1975 in partnership with British Petroleum was established to sell products Türkiye.deki oil), Mobil Oil STONE. became operational), The Sheel Company of Turkey, Turkish Petroleum with Shell in 1934 re Lubricant Oils., i 93 i also was established as a private company, i received its current name in 936.

Natural Gas: drilling wells for the purpose of oil exploration in Thrace removed. Natural gas fields in Southeast Anatolia Mardin-Çamurlu'dur the other. Production is from the outside in order to meet consumption.

Geothermal Energy: in the earth's crust and are deeper than the accumulation of potential energy. For this reason, the warm surface are removed by steam and electricity used in the production drilling. Saraköy'de established in Denizli, Turkey's first geothermal power plant.

Water power: Ball and renewable source of energy. Turkey in terms of water power has the potential to nearly 400 billion kWh. Eastern Anatolia Region is higher slopes of rivers bed, with the highest hydroelectric potential of our region. Hydro-electric power plants, electricity production covered 45% of the part of Turkey. After completion of the GAP production of electric power plants will increase the share of water power.

Solar Energy: is the climatic conditions necessary for Turkey to take advantage of solar energy. Central and Southeast Anatolia regions of the Mediterranean and Aegean regions and solar energy are evaluated.

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy is also called sources of uranium and toryumdur this energy. However, the production of electricity from these sources exceptions.

Other Metals

Our country is more diverse in many mines "is. Include the economic value of each one. Başlıcalarına reference to them will be here. These" lead ", was found to be mixed with silver çoğunca that operated until recently many. Most of these mines closed today by Etibank" Keban Sirnli 'Lead run "works. It is located on the Euphrates River town of Elazig Keban. 1953 from here until 1970, and 26 thousand, 25 thousand tons of lead zinc concentrate (colemanite ore enrichment process by mechanical means) were obtained (5450 t in 1978).

One of the major mine sites "sulfur" type. Keçiborulu business district of Isparta removed from the site. Here in 1900 the mine was operated by a foreign company until 1933. Etibank in operation since 1943 as an institution connected. In 1978 the amount of 86 thousand tons of crusher-run and the amount of 18 thousand tons of washed cleaned.

All parts of our country "mercury" mine as well. They are primarily operated in the Izmir district in Odemis "Habköy Mercury Enterprise" Mercury-operation with the Konya Konya and Izmir, west of the town of Karaburun been activated. First, depending on Etibank from 1961, the second in operation since 1969. There are businesses connected to the private sector. Ceher crusher-run production in 1969 59 000 tonnes.

Borax and boric acid Mills Farm B & B opened in 1968 as a raw material Banda Emet district of Kütahya and Eskişehir Seyitgazi extracted from the town of colemanite ore extracted sodium salt is used.

Mined from these, in the province of Tokat "antimuvan" mine (1978 colemanite 46 000 tonnes), near Eskisehir issued "Iületaşı" (colemanite 825 tons), and Eskişehir utilized in the construction of fire-brick çakıra1ın "magnesite" (colemanite 220 tons) said. "Grinding" is important in mine. To obtain 50-55 thousand tons of ore per year. Furthermore, in many parts of our country "manganese" the amount of production has shown very different from year to year (çoğunca 30 grand tons).

In the meantime, "holds an important place in our country in obtaining salt. Salt, max is obtained from the sea. Izmir 's Çamaltı Salt gives 55% of all production. Addition, to obtain the salt lake in Central Anatolia (30%). Some of the salt water sources of salt in a small degree removed: Tuzluca, Kağızman, Gülşehir, as Oltu. Rock salt deposits are used to. recent years, the amount of salt, half a million tons, Edie get changed.

1970 - 1976 period from 5 million tons of salt production in Turkey closer to 1976, it also started production. Most of the sea and the lake of salt production tuzlalarından are provided from time to time was under the influence of the climate characteristics. In 1977, for the first time in Egypt were imported from the salt. Increase in the number of factories increased salt consumption. Today, Izmir Çamaltı Salt (21 km2, the annual production of 400,000 tons), with a capacity of Tuzgölü rock salt pans and different areas (6 salt) are to be salt 45. Çamaltı tuzlasının tried to modernize. Monopoly, some salt-marsh in 1976 to modernize and 165-450 million pounds, attempted to spend. In the meantime, the construction of facilities undertaken Pavement refined salt, refined salt, rock salt will produce the organization's project is planned to be established Tuz1uca'da made.

Tungsten (wolfram) mining facilities in 1977 in Uludag (2400's) was opened. Costing about 650 million pounds per year of this organization produced 3000 tons of concentrate. Required a large amount of the advanced industrial countries and the steel used in the chemical industry volframdan some 300 million pounds per year calculated on the exchange will be provided.

Mines and Energy Resources Turkey Economy

There are several mines in every region of Turkey. But enough of all mines in operation. Part of mines are known from time immemorial, and even operated by foreign companies. However, there was not enough information about the mines. Technical and scientific methods in the mines of the Republic of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute was established to investigate. Mines removed and sold abroad as well as in the domestic market are evaluated.

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