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Saturday 2 March 2013

Map of Turkey Industry

Map of Turkey Industry

Turkey Industrial Map of Turkey


Check: Products obtained under soil or earth, getirilir.sanayi become available for consumption by the industry under the name of hand and machine work dır.Her different tasks of both a part of the specific operation is the conversion of a raw material substance. This process yaplırkende two important factors come into play. Labor and energy, raw material, production of these two factors, designed to become the next capital. As we have seen with the meaning of a large industrial processed or raw materials, processed in factories or mills, is to be used.

Initially, all the raw materials are processed by hand or machine tools. Towards the end of XVIII.yüzyıl presence of steam power and the use of energy in industry, arising from the large industrial, XIX. Within a century has passed so that the sovereign state based on the small hand looms and handicrafts manufacturing industry began to disappear.

As a result of the rapid development of large industrial countries, with emphasis on the development of industry in each country are trying to process the raw materials themselves.

MAJOR PHASES OF OUR COUNTRY establishment of Industry:

The largest industrial enterprise in our country during sanbayinin dayanmaktadır.Bununla very old establishment, the necessary protection measures taken, and the development of new branches of industry is unlikely. Because the state-related Osman called the XVI century capitulations signed agreements with European states. Previously, useful
the decline of the Ottoman Empire, which later played a major role in this agreement. As a result, the development has been hampered by industry.
There were a number of small organizations in the country to meet this request. They are.
* Soil settings are to make their products in the country consume the oil, soap, milling, pasta, such as vegetables and canned.
* Food industry and alcohol beverages and tobacco industry
* More peasants and soldiers, some of the weaving works in order to meet the need.
* Leather
* Externally be difficult and expensive preparation of some of the building materials, such as brick, cement as well.
* A few gene and machinery repair house.

Meet the needs of these organizations is hardly one of the country's most değildi.bir large factory, rather than compete with Europe is one of the semi-countertop business biçimindeydi.Hiç değildi.Ayrıca The vast majority of these enterprises with foreign investment established. With the Treaty of Lausanne, in 1923 the capitulations were lifted, the country began to kıpırdamalar a light industrial area. Within 5 years, before the law of 1927 on the Promotion of Industry released. This law is aimed revival of the industry in the country. 1929 customs duties on imported goods were being used. Then the Bank of Industry and Madden, 1933, was named in the Sumerbank.


In our country, the industry developed very quickly and çeşitlenmiştir.Ekonomimizde noticeable as soon as possible and one of the main characteristics of budur.Bu olmuştur.Türkiye development in the last 30-40 years in the development of the industry, but it was the beginning of the development and diversification of the Republic in 1950 was after. In our country, 12% of the working population in the industry these days dır.Ülkemizde the first to start yılardan alanaınadaki developments in the industry has been mostly in the field of agro-based industries.

FACTORS AFFECTING industrial development in Turkey:

The presence of 1-diverse and abundant raw materials
2-Required for a energy-rich country near coal and iron deposits in the present. A strong and abundant water resources
3-In recent years, importance is given to the work of the conversion of natural gas in the thermal santrelerin.
4-hydro-electric santralerine As for the decline in river water in recent years to provide electricity to the power of large dams are built, and without restricting.

Looking at the geographical distribution of industry in Turkey, is a huge imbalance in terms of geographical distribution of görürüz.sanayi activities, 60% of all the country's industry 's the main reason gelir.Bunun located in the Marmara region, particularly in this region have taken place in Istanbul, Turkey's largest industrial center. Industry in the country in 1960 1/3 isrtanbulda respectively. Istanbul has long been both a large consumer market with a great mass of the population and the labor force will know easily be ensured in need of a merkezdir.sanayicin hammaddeninde is also easy to be here .. In addition, the collection of capital to the city where it has helped Turkey to the fact that the first trade center. This is evident in our country, I made the republic's first substantial rebuilding. Directly to the first organizations in the city (such as the edge of the estuary), or immediately next to the (Zeytinburnu-Bakırköy) was established. Then, out of the city to settle başladılar.Buğün industrial organizations in the
On the one hand, these organizations inwards from the shores of the Marmara west of the city in a large area set up. (Sefaköy-ring, etc.) on the other hand, from the east of the city, especially along the northern shores of the Gulf of Izmit nascent industry, previously Kartal-Pendik-Tuzla line, and then, increasingly, all along the coast of the bay north of the yayılmıştır.İzmit and around the industry, however, to the west industrial area of ​​Istanbul, combined with developing, in the east, just outside the northern shores of Lake sapanca interrupted. Thus, perhaps the country's most densely giant industrial zone, Izmit along the northern coast of the Gulf of one hand, and unite in Istanbul, from the east to the east Köseköy-long field region is growing fast.

Is the second largest industrial zone in the Marmara Region, Bursa Plain gelişmiştir.Özelikle textile, food and automobile industry in this region in recent years Gemlik-Inegol, Larissa gelişmektedir.daha in the south around cities such as new shows new development is located in the industrial zone of Balikesir.

When it comes to the region of Thrace, the largest industrial center of this region Cerkezkoy organized industrial zone. Textile, metal and paint is common in this part of the industry, the industry increasingly eglimindedir.Trakya expansion of the Çorlu, Alpulu, Edirne, Tekirdag around cities such as various industrial establishments are scattered around.
Takes the second place in terms of industrial activities in Turkey, Aegean Region is the second industrial center of the country in the region that is the reason for this is that the city of Izmir. Important, industry associations around the city of Izmir toplanmıştır.Bunun many organizations outside the textile and food industries mainly Aliaga, Aydın, Manisa, nazilli, Izmir, Ayvalik, Soke, dalaman regions showed an improvement.
Turkey's third industrial clustering, the Western Black Sea region of Zonguldak bölümündedir.Özellikle, physically touches the presence of coal has a meeting. Where the country's first and oldest iron and steel industry developed around Karabuk, iron and steel complex katılmıştır.Bu Eregli the two organizations that later affiliated with the development of a paternal side of the local industry, has emerged as an intensive heavy industry.
These three regions are also industrial zones in Turkey today, but an active industrial centers are scattered more or less in the geographic regions, may be shown. The principal the region of Central Anatolia, Eskişehir-Ankara-Kırıkkale and Kayseri-Sivas regions, the Eastern Mediterranean region, ie in the Cukurova Adana-Mersin Industrial Zone of Gaziantep and Hatay industry bölgeleridir.Ayrıca, the Middle Black Sea region and the hinterland of Samsun, Inner western Anatolia, Kütahya- Opium environment, Malatya-Elazig in Eastern Anatolia, Southeast Anatolia, Diyarbakir region, showing the development of the local industry in the active parts of body are noteworthy.


Visit: Today in our country, all of the individual to stand on the arms industry, and some large factory, the workshop, the extent of many of the industrial institutions, to mention one by one the names and locations of such industrial establishments yoktur.Dolayısıyla, waist, gathered in a group to classify attributes, and indicate where more would be helpful.
Today, largely due to agriculture in Turkey görünmektedir.yani industrial raw materials for industrial activities often develop agriculture and animal husbandry alır.İlerde No matter which way the raw material for the industrial activities largely based on agricultural products is thought to handle an important place in industry. When we look at statistics yılığına 1989, is actually based on the largest share of agricultural raw materials.


Holds an important place in the economy of the country the food industry, but also from the old industrial koludur.Topraktan these industries based on agricultural produce, flour and flour ürünler.süt and dairy products, canned food, sugar, tea, food industry and a variety of drinks industry.


Nutrients branch of industry, the most widely used in industry, a wide variety of flour milling industry is quite yaygındır.Özelikle bulunur.Bunlar THRoUGH Eskisehir in Central Anatolia, Konya, Ankara, as well as highly populated cities of Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Bursa, flour mills with a capacity of vbyüksek bulunur.Ülkenin grain into flour to bring the largest volume product, the more areas of local consumption, water, motor, and making use of wind power installed, most of them are small and medium-capacity mills.
The resulting flour, agriculture-based industry is very developed in Konya, Eskişehir, Adana, Kayseri, Ankara, Turkey, etc. many in our city (mainly in pasta, biscuits, starch, semolina, etc.) helps to improve the nutritional industry.


Availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in the country at any time, so common in this industry, yet the need to show a development in the use of basic nedenidir.Konserve, but rather develops in large cities and in the winter.
Canned vegetable production areas, such as Bursa, Canakkale, vegetables, vardır.Ayrıca provinces where widespread and intense regions of the country that produces good quality products, for example, Bursa, Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, large consumption centers such as fruit, jam, marmalade and canned vegetables, tomato paste In addition factories and workshops, Gallipoli, Erdek, Canakkale, such as canned fish, common in cities.


In our country, the primary source of livelihood is livestock farming regions, for example, the Erzurum-Kars region Eastern Anatolia Region, with the Department of the Eastern Black Sea Black Sea region, (especially around Trabzon) milk and milk products, where intensive industrial activities bölgedir.Hayvansal oil with cheese, milk, obtained much which areas of dispersed oil yapılır.İnek you can get milk and cheeses, northern and northeastern regions, although it is Aygin, products derived from sheep's milk in Southeastern Anatolia (Urfa and Diyarbakır) is common.
Oil trading brokers who are dealing with, the quality of products is often discrepant collect, send, and many times the big cities, there to become corrupted causing sheer quality and the price is high olur.Bu situation in recent years, the people of Istanbul, Izmir, Adana was established centers such as factories, , yöneltmektir vegetable margarine-type fats to consume.
Butter and cheese making very dağınıktır.Bunlardan firstly, around a very large consumption centers, and the second Thrace, South Marmara (Bursa, Balıkesir) and Kars regions, such as areas with plenty of milk gelişmiştir.Ayrıca, Istanbul, Izmir, Adana and the Kars region and factories developed has been established.


The first sugar factory in Turkey, followed by the first factory in the drop-down Alpullu kurulmuştur.1926 three factories (Butler, Eskisehir, Turhal) in 1935 under the control of the state factories toplanmıştır.Bu s outstanding work up to 1950, while the country's sugar needs karşılayabilmiş in a close circuit, this request corresponds to an increase of the production does not exceed 175-200 thousand tons, re-addressing the problem required the first 11 new factory (Adapazari, Susurluk, Burdur, Konya, Turkey, Kutahya, Am asia, Kayseri, Malatya, Elazig, Erzurum , Erzican), then the two factories (one in Ankara and Kastamonu) was established, the number to 17, the number ulaşmıştır.Bugün, Ercis, tamarisk, Mus, Konya, Eregli, opium, Niğde was 23 with the opening of factories.

5-spirits, raki, WINE AND BEER INDUSTRY:

An industrial raw material alcohol, usually from grapes spirituous edilmektedir.Ülkede from molasses sugar factories (alcohol) drinks that are mostly small workshops and factories, Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, Turkey, Yozgat and Kayseri Kayseri beer and malt factories fabrikaları.Yozgat. Wine-making factories and homes, bulunmaktadır.Özelikle in many parts of the country, from local grapes, this wine is a part of a division by a monopoly by the private sector üretilmektedir.Şarap our products, quality and a high degree of alcohol, consuming bulmaktadır.Bugünkü foreign market conditions, grape output yalınızca 5% is used in wine production, this ratio is thought to increase in the future.


Tobacco and to grow in every region of our country, and based on the industry is well developed, especially in Tobacco Monopoly Administration, which is operated by the Cibali and Maltepe Istanbul, Marmara Region, Aegean Region, Izmir, Adana, in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea Region, Eastern Anatolia, Malatya, Samsun and Tokat, the processed and non-processed tobacco factories and Bitlis üretilmektedir.Bu later part of the country, in the case of cigarettes sold in foreign countries, the majority of the blend.

In our country, vegetable oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil fatty kullanılmaktadır.Ülkenin an important raw material in the olive oil presses has a number of small workshops often grown in areas carries a maximum density of Marmara and Aegean regions bölgeleridir.Bunlar toured two local yerlerdir.İlki it reaches the highest rate of production Edremit, Ayvalik region and the other in Gaziantep tir.Yüksek capacity and quality of the oil in this region are engaged in the production of olive oil with low acid food directly as part of the soap making cakes is called pomace tüketilir.yüksek acid kullanılır.Belirtilen in this region also has a number of soap factories üretilmektedir.Ülkenin fatty raw materials other than oil and soap are not brought to his home area port cities such as Izmir, Mersin, was established in Istanbul.
Marmara and Aegean regions of the country, particularly with the Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, the Black Sea in the inner parts, and some sunflower sunflower oil produced in depression off the soap yapılmaktadır.Son developed in the pulp and intermediate agricultural product derived from soybean soybean yağıda used increasingly widespread.
Especially in the Aegean and Mediterranean in the cotton seed oil, cotton seed, corn oil, peanut oil extracted from locally produced and consumed in the yağlardır.Ordu much larger than the consumption of soybean oil soap factory vardır.Tuvalet centers are produced in factories established in Istanbul and Izmir.


Agricultural raw materials used in the food industry and food industry in the arms of the count gerekir.Çay tea production in industry, which was established in the Eastern Black Sea coast, a large number of factories, mills and factories yetişememekte yoğunlaşmıştır.Sayısı corresponds to an increase every year, the preparation is required immediately re-collected leaves a lot of years kurulmaktadır.Kuru tea factory production is increasing every year.
As for the feed industry to give attention to this issue in recent years in order to be efficient hayvancılığımızın başlandı.Büyük urban slaughterhouse and food industry residues, residues of fishing centers of consumption in order to assess the Istanbul, Trabzon, Turkey, Izmir, Samsun, Ankara, Adapazari also and so on. kurulmuştur.Bu factories, factories, then widespread in Eskisehir, began opening in various places such as Banda and Mersin.

Textile industry in Turkey has shown great development of the last thirty or forty yıllıda gelmiştir.Ülkemizde become effective in foreign markets, all kinds of textile industry vardır.Bugün state-owned enterprises working in large factories privately owned factories in recent years due to the increasing number of weaving is very advanced in every way.


Despite the presence of all the materials required for the weaving industry in the country, until recently, few of them committed, and therefore in need of foreign markets for woven fabrics and other raw materials such as kalınmaktaydı.Çünkü domestic cotton in the country with previously-but the rough wool serge, called the native American fabric dokunulmaktaydı woolen cloth. Değiştirildi.uzun the nature of the raw materials needed for high quality fabric woven in the country might be able to fine-fiber cotton, wool and fleece geliştirildi.Kaliteli types were imported before the crossbreeding system in the country, then this raw material produced in wool and cotton weaving mills başladı.böylelikle previously established ones, such as the extended established. Thus, the need for countries outside the weaving industry has shown a great improvement started to taste of exclusion. Today, taking orders from outside Europe, the famous fabric companies in the country are exported to the touch of the fabric.
The cotton textile industry in Istanbul, Adana, Kayseri centers such as the institutions in the Republican period, Nazilli, Malatya, Erzincan, and later in Konya Eregli, Istanbul, Adana, Tarsus, Antalya, Turkey, Aydin, Manisa, Izmir, Karaman, Istanbul, Istanbul in cities such as attending a variety of new ones yarn production with the cheesecloth, calico, calico, cotton fabrics, such as poplin hate the Sile made in towns and villages, such as cloth, cotton yarn and fabrics woven on hand looms.

Sanayiisinmde wool is wool yarn, woolen fabrics and rugs, such as the setting up of knitted works, such as weaving, knitting in the alır.Hereke works like an old woolen textile factories in Istanbul, Fes households geliştirilmiştir.Bursa widened and the qualities of Merino wool fabric factory, the country's largest public sector opened fabrikalından biridir.Ayrıca new factories in Istanbul and Izmir kurulmuştur.Bu large organizations in the private sector than in industry from the outside Merino wool knitting yarn kulanırllar.Örme in some heavily populated urban areas, especially in Istanbul are concentrated.
Holds an important place in cities such as Istanbul, Bursa and silk weaving yarns in recent years with the emergence of artificial synthetic fiber weaving is increasingly being imported from abroad by way of bırakmaktadır.Öncelleri from the production of artificial fibers başlanmıştır.Başta Istanbul in Turkey in recent years, in some cities, including artificial fibers woven fabric, curtain, socks, etc. are produced ingredients.


Turkey is also famous for carpet weaving is a very old craft of domestic wool quality and local
Who had been encouraged by dyeing the carpet after dropping the first and second world wars, a great deal of re-growth during the recent years, and has a number of centers of carpet woven by the very active for many years bertiş carpets, rugs and carpets, rugs gelir.Isparta Isparta attribute from each other, particularly in terms of the number of ayrılır.Tezgah both the city and the surrounding villages and towns, and the last preparations for the stalls are washed after touching brought to Isparta.
Butler's second largest carpet production area is around tır.Yakın Gordes, the blacksmith, a carpet merkezleridir.Ülkede other centers in cities like Kula THRoUGH, Kayseri Bunyan, except sayılabilir.Bunlar Konya and Sivas, Central Anatolia and Southeast Anatolia is a very floor, carpet and felt vardır.Halıcılık benches, large industrial activities, in recent years, more and more began to take place.

The above-mentioned cotton, wool, silk fabrics, natural and man-made clothing industry gelişmiştir.Başta yararlanılarak.ülkede effective in Istanbul in the country, according to 1989 statistics, over 40.000 dress, underwear, sweaters, and so on. vardır.Daha garments, such as workshops and production centers of the mid-and small-scale clothing industry organizations, evolving, growing, and is an independent sector.

4-Leatherworking AND LEATHER INDUSTRY:

Leather is a fairly common business koludur.Bugün in the country, makes it appear to be largely outward-oriented manufacturing sector factories and workshops, many of them small businesses, 80% of organizations are toplanmıştır.Bilinen in Istanbul, Beykoz such as Leather and Shoe Factory, a few large organization is available in the required branch of industry best of breed types of finished leather & leather or rawhide satılmamaktadır.Ancak gelmektedir.dışarıya abroad in the last few years, this sector vardır.Deriler very rapid strides, both inside and outside and leather processed by bringing up based on the apparel industry, is developing quite quickly.

C-MINING industry:

In Turkey, the first years of the Republican era (some of them in previous years), from the very outside organizations brought bulunuyordu.Daha nails using semi-processed metals, wire, pipe yapılıyordu.Ayrıca materials such as cast iron, especially in Istanbul, workshops, boat and motor vehicle repair places respectively. first in the country materially melting organization, in 1936 in the town of Mining, smelting of copper ore bodies of committing a variety of activities started and then demonstrated through the development of this industry.

1-iron and steel industry:

In our country, in accordance with the five-year industrial plan, in order to obtain directly from the iron and steel factory opened in 1937 and quickly gelişti.Bu yıllında Karabük factory, Zonguldak coal basin energy requirements, improving economic conditions and iron ore in the Divrigi almaktaydı.Ülkenin production to satisfy demand in 1965, looking like the ease of access and proximity to the coal basin taking into account the Black Sea Ereğli'sinde crude iron from iron and steel factory, founded the factory from Divriği Samsun demiryollu, and from there by sea way) and Ak Edremit raw iron imported by sea from the pier where tea alır.Gerekli karşılanmaktadır.Ülkenin by means of the third iron and steel plant in Iskenderun kurulmuştur.Fabrikalar round iron, construction iron-rails, plate, sheet, tin, wire, steel and extruded pipes üretmektedir.Gelişen production technology with the high quality alloy materials, gelmiştir.Ülkemizde country level, especially in large hydro-electric power plants to meet the needs with the introduction of electro-metallurgical industry started to develop gözlenmektedir.Özelikle Istanbul-Izmit industrial zone, has such a modern industrial organizations. This is the first of such organizations, founded in 1962, near Antalya Kepez using energy from hydro-electric power plant, ferro-chrome and acetylene factory.

Quite abundant in our country, along with aluminum and copper mines, metallurgical industry in increasing the share of energy-Elazig region artmaktadır.Diyarbakır alanıdır.Burada first copper mine copper ore extracted from the copper smelting industry more established in the country and in the very long-standing tradition in the Black Sea sahiptir.Doğu
which has a very rich ore reserves Murgul (Göktaş) ta izabesi and consequently the side of the copper industry in the Central Black Sea Region in the development of several copper production site görülmektedir.Karadeniz (Giresun-Esbiye and Sinop's Globe region) Within are copper plate in the region , wire, lister, copper, copper ingots in addition to these factories engaged in the production sub-industry factories to as the acid is sulfur.
West Torosalarda the very rich bauxite (aluminum oxide) deposits of ore extracted, Seydişehir established by aluminum smelting plant ingot, sheet ingot, such as semi-finished make the getirilmektedir.Yıllık capacity of 40,000 tons of aluminum industry in the upcoming Istanbul-Izmit, particularly those outside of the organization and other major aluminum factories in industrial zones are smaller than the size of the private sector.


Provision of iron and steel production processes in our country materially to the development of industrial enterprises is actually one of the important basic hazırlamaktadır.Bu organizations balls, guns, bullets, etc. and now the machinery and chemical industry which is established in order to make the institutions, a lot of smokers in the machine-tool factories are producing spare parts of Kırıkkale . The organization has a factory in a wide variety of integrated industrial and mini meets the war.
In recent years, some parts will be produced inside the aircraft installation and maintenance of the format established near the factories, mills and Eskisehir kurulmuştur.Ankara also produces spare parts for maintenance and repair units, units directly vardır.Adapazarı le 'n the production of tanks and pallet factory was established as a military vehicle are produced.
Ünetileri planting material production houses in the army, military, military transport and communications equipment that satisfies the production centers mainly in Ankara, was established in various parts of the country.

In our country, especially in the shipbuilding industry, the very old dayanmaktadır.Gölcük in the war, which was founded in the republic fleet maintenance and repairs undertaken combat support military shipyard supply vessels of various tonnage today, denizaltlıları üretilmektedir.bir Istanbul Golden Horn and the other ship construction machines in Istinye bulunmaktadır.Burada military, commercial, and some types of repairs of ships and other vessels built in the city of Istanbul, close to non-vaccine olmaktadır.Son be able to ship a large marinas in Tuzla factory ship are going to increase local content structure.
The country also ship-building yards in Izmir bulunmaktansa Gallipoli and the capacity is not too large.
Another important construction industry more Adapazari established in order to meet the requirements of the State railways fabrikalarıdır.Yük State Railways and the construction of passenger cars is gaining weight yapılmaktadır.Eskişehir fabrikalıda well as maintenance and repair, building maintenance and repair of locomotive factories in the Sivas and Kayseri and Eskişehir that diesel locomotive factory importance.


Agricultural products to wide range of flooring and modern agricultural methods may be applied to large areas of the country to know the republican period and the rapid development of the planned construction of agricultural tools and equipment that are carried out in many parts of the country today. Particularly in Istanbul and Adapazarı, Izmir, Adana, Eskişehir materials and tools, such as factories that produce this kind of cities are in the industrial area.


The country's former assembly industry started out as towards domestic production of motor vehicles, the construction of later yönelmiştir.İlk organizations near Istanbul jeep, van and truck production in the başlamıştır.tuzla the Jeep factory in Gebze, Çayırova the company truck and light truck production units that previously CYRSLER installation afterwards production, in the form of spare parts production oluşmuştur.İstanbul also Ford truck, van, minibus and car plant has become operational.
Fi at the Renault automobile factory was established near Bursa, almost all of the domestic production yapmaktadır.İzmir today in BMC fabrikalında established a truck, van and minibus üretirimi yapılmaktadır.Ülkemizde Man-Mercedes and Mitsubishi in the fast growing companies in recent years, the industrial arm of bus production has developed widespread reveals.
The development of the automotive industry in the production environment when the associated hazırlanmıştır.Özellikle auto electrical equipment sub-industry products (battery, battery, bulb, cable, etc.) gelişmiştir.Buzdolabı, washing makin ace, pumps and motors üretilmektedir.Bazı parts of the country, these instruments imported from hookers satılmaktadır.elektrikli directly as domestic production is now out of the construction of tools and equipment, electronic and precision equipment in the country began to develop, especially after 1980. The majority of these organizations in Istanbul, Izmit industrial area Izmir, Bursa and Gaziantep, near the big cities, such as advanced.


Cement industry, in recent years, with the development of the construction sector, progress quickly göstermiştir.Evvelce two cement factories in Istanbul bulunmaktaydı.Biri olive nose, the nose and the other in the city Eagle Dolphin ta that olive production, this fabrikalıdan stopped, and the other for the same reason the production durduracaktı.Hammadde true rich resources
P, which in our country, as a parellel developments in the construction sector, cement plants with a production capacity of 20,000 tons at the international level, the factories yayılmıştır.1926 Sivas and Ankara factories in this sector have reached the stage of katılmıştır.İhraç the cement is exported to the Middle East and North African countries have become .
Production in many areas of our country, a number of brick and tile factories vardır.Son in the production of high-quality perforated brick gelişmektedir.İstanbul, Kurtköy, Turgutlu Salihli, Izmir, Adana, Silviri in areas such as alluvial plains there is plenty of raw material for this type of production yaygındır.Ayrıca hair (Adapazari, Eskisehir, Bafra) clay cooking
common with the brick-making.
The production of heat-resistant brick, called firebrick, Sumerbank Filyos'taki fabrikalında, and also to a lesser extent, in Istanbul, the Aegean region and in Konya are chrome-magnesite brick.

Which is quite common in our country, the raw material, production of high-quality kaolin and ceramic cellar yaygınlaşmıştır.İnşaat sector, increase in demand for high-quality artırmıştır.İnşaat in the production of tiles and other ceramic tile, bathroom, toilet, sanitary material, such as, tableware, ceramic and tile coating factories, common development of ceramic industry has been developing regions in the country, the town of Canakkale, Bilecik Sale and Willow districts of Thrace, the Cerkezkoy industrial zone, the region of Kütahya and Iznik tiles in the production of traditional tile-making, and.
The development of the glass industry, bottles and glassware, Istanbul (Paşabahçe) begins with a well established factory in the factory, the production of crystal glass with a variety of glassware yapılmaktadır.Gebze Çayırova at the factory for the production of window glass is established and more recently of raw materials from the environment kullanılmaktadır.daha small extent, Izmir and Adapazarı glass is produced.
One of the biggest companies in the glass industry, glass industry, with the name of a very wide range of sources of raw materials bulunduğu.Trakya founded this great facility, in various thicknesses window glass, glassware and material produced.

Forests, the important material, ie wood grain with me sağlar.Kereste raw material in various industrial branches, toplanmıştır.Bunlarda near forest areas, many sawmills countertops, medium, or large-scale sawmills bulunur.Batı the Black Sea section, Ayancık, Istanbul, Kastamonu, Turkey, Bolu and Duzce the timber, flooring, fiber, fiber plants of the same species in bulunur.Marmara Region Adapazarı and Bozhöyük vardır.İstanbul factories in üretilir.Kontrplak the more highly processed products, flooring, fiber, fiber board and similar materials, large and small, in many There are operational.
Antalya, packing crates, Demirköy timber, fiber and wood fabrikaları.büyük production capacities in Artvin and Bolu sahiptir.Yine the same way, with the use of timber produced in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, such as cities, Marmara and the Black Sea Region section of the western Black Sea, and a variety of high-quality furniture developed.
Developed with the use of wood as a raw material is the most important branch of industry, paper and pulp paper mill in 1934 in Izmit kurulmuştur.1955 sanayisidir.İlk Sümerbanka affiliate until later Se-Ka (Selülös-paper) is connected to the General Directorate of the Ministry of Industry . a long time, the only paper mill in the country, this organization katıldı.Gazete then others and other printing paper, paperboard-resistant packaging (kraft) paper factories kuruldu.Karadeniz the city of Giresun Aksu Region, Zonguldak-Çaycuma factories and mills in the Aegean Region Dalaman and Aliaga açıldı.Bu factories, as well as the various sub-industry products are also produced newsprint.

The chemical industry in the country, formerly scattered, small scale and partly to meet the country's need for agricultural and industrial forehead kaydedilmiştir.Ülkenin kurulmuştu.fakat increasingly important developments in recent years arttan request, this area needs a large and diverse organizations established artırmıştır.İlk the chemical industry; Izmit Chlorine and caustic soda factories Karabük acid, sulfuric, ammonium, sulfate, naphthalene, etc. kuruluşlardır.Bandırma producing in sulfuric acid, boric acid manufacturing plants other kuruluşlardır.Ereğli quite comprehensive in processing iron and steel mill by-products of iron and steel plant near Iskenderun with sulfuric acid plant, sulfuric acid plant vardır.Elazığ's Mineral sulfuric acid plant near the town of kurulmuştur.Tatvan in Lake Van, which are a factory of soda water.
In recent years, especially in Istanbul, established the basic materials brought from outside oluşmuştur.Bunun many pharmaceutical factory outside the match industry in Istanbul, Izmit industrial districts Bursa_Orhangazi'de established görülmektedir.İstanbul-paint industry has developed very common.
Chemical industry in our country is rapidly evolving to meet the ever-increasing requirement: Established as cheap as hydro-electric power plants and energy to be provided, the electro-chemical industry in the field of industry yararlanılacaktır.Kütahya nitrogen, nitrogen fertilizer only partly meets the requirements of the new large-scale plants are needed, Mersin and Iskenderun, and established near the new super-phosphate factories, refineries and petrochemical kurulmuştur.Petrol Yarımca industry, industry is very developed görülmektedir.Petrokimya İpraş, paper clips, Aliaga and Kırıkkale refineries industry petroleum derivatives görülmektedir.Plastik substance sanayisisinde created, use the way of raw materials brought in from the outside, with a variety of household some of the artificial skin, and so on. industrial production of substances gelişmiştir.Plastik substance formed near large cities.
All along, most of them small, some organizations, the tire shop pipe and so on. materials in the tire yapılmaktadır.Oto, Istanbul, Adapazarı, cities, industrial areas, such as are produced in İzmit and İzmir.

School: High School Kazim Karabekir
Course: Economic and Human Geography
Assignment Topic: Turkey Industry
Year Öğretrim year :2000-2001 Education and Training

Name-Surname: CANER EBİNÇ
Class: 11 / F
No: 6387

Resources Used in the preparation of Assignment:

1-TURKEY I_-II Prof.Dr.Reşat İzbırak
ITEM 3-Ana Britannica-TURKEY
Encyclopedia of 4-Square Loures part-Turkey Industry

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